Thursday, July 16, 2020

morning glories on wood fence with lots of twine

morning glories on wood fence with lots of twine

July 16. 2020

While some people have taken the time to lose thirty pounds on the Keto diet these past few months, and I applaud them, that has not been my path. Nope.

I'm more like my friend who will remain anonymous...Um, Pearly. 

Who shared recently,"What the fuck, my underwear is getting tight.

Tight underwear. ☑️ Double☑️

While some people may be experiencing this pandemic pause as time for inner work + reflection, I walk the dog under the cover of dark, snapping off pieces of jade from giant jade plants along Topanga Canyon Boulevard adding to my burgeoning potted Jade plant collection.

 I'm obsessed.

Most days I walk. Up and down the streets of my neighborhood, up hills, some days very hot, over 90 degrees. I pass by homes I'd like to see inside, notice clusters of succulents growing on a stone wall, sweaty armpits, legs straining,

Yes, Queen! 

Pushing up a hill is my salvation.

And keeping the tight underwear thing at bay.


Claire and I went to the coast to cool off. We're so blessed it's just over the canyon. We know this. There was a guy on a chair in the water with all his clothes on. Two other men were taking his picture. The thing is, it made sense. 


As noted by the top photo

morning glories on wood fence with lots of twine

I'm deep into twine. More than ever.

The vine doesn't know what I want from it.

go this way. 
go that way.

And this is true. I'm trying to fill in the space with green and flowers. I'm thinking it might help with the inner peace eluding me as the White House shuts down the CDC and Trump talks about how white people get shot too and the Confederate flag is about freedom of speech.

That stuff seeps in.

Sorry. I really wasn't going to mention any of that, especially his name. 

And yet, it seeps.

Alyssa, a student of mine wrote this in her recent memoir piece: 

We often don't appreciate the simplicity of our lives.

Simplicity is the essence of this time for me. 

Chatting with my neighbor from our driveways
The daily walk
The blessing of a home
A good book
An empty beach early in the morning
A walk with the dog
The sound of my daughter's voice over the phone
A jar of water filled with Jade cuttings
Connection through my teaching life (online xo)
A glass of red wine on the front porch
A snail mail card from a friend on the east coast
Watching Homeland with Michael 
Charlie, the five year old neighbor knocking on the door with a painted gift

Thank you, Charlie.

Alyssa also wrote this: 

Sometimes the biggest challenges lead to amazing revelations.

The more I simplify, the less freaked out I feel. 

The challenges shrink.

Revelations don't have to be sonic booms.

A small painted stone in the palm of your hand will do.

Keep it simple, lovelies.

Hearts + arms wide open. 

xo b