Thursday, July 1, 2021

What's Your Word?

    July 1 • 2021

The first day of a new month always feels like an opportunity to begin again, 

a fresh start. 🪴

Choose a word for yourself and take it with you into this new month. 

Or check in.  What word(s) are coming up for you. 

• Trust what arises. 

• Say it out loud. 

• Write it down. 

• Put it where you can see it.

• Let it be your mantra today, tomorrow, all month.

Maybe take your word and write about it. What I mean by ___________. 

flow, freedom, healing energy, gratitude, I'm enough, lighten up, self-care...

• Let yourself write (maybe ten minutes? More?) 

• Stay curious.

• Notice if anything surprises you.

Writing is a way into, and out of, the Self. 


XO 🐝