Wednesday, October 27, 2021

What's Here Now?


October 27 • 2021

This question came up in a short, simple meditation I was listening to ~ 

What's here now? 

Rather than feeling like this isn't it, isn't what you want or imagined life to be today, isn't what you're trying to make happen, maybe there's something already in your (our) experience right now that's:






beautiful ...

Today I woke with a calm mind. I felt deeply at ease in my body too, which is not always the case for me. Making my tea I thought of Stephen, a small blonde-haired kid in one of my second grade classes from many years ago. I have never, ever and will hopefully, never forget Stephen and what he wrote in his journal one morning. Here he was - a little kid, tongue sticking out ever so slightly, head down,  concentrating on holding his pencil and the words he was writing. 

He wrote:

Today I am happy. I don't know why. 

Now that'swhat's here now state of mind, body, spirit.  🍁

Can you stop right now and see what's already here for you? 

Notice the breeze

the bird

the sky

your strong body  

the tea

the plants

a loved one

a warm blanket

afternoon light

a beloved dog beneath your feet...

A friend said, 

I'm noticing the blessings flowing through me and to me. 

Me too.

xo b 🐝