Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Love Toast Too!

Yesterday's front page was all about filling up today, (gorging), so you'd have enough energy to hit Walmart at midnight to tackle someone over a 46 inch plasma television for $499.99. The whole thing made me queasy.

Today's front page, on the other hand, is a sea of faces, young and old, black and white, rich and poor, answering the question...

What are you thankful for?

Surviving the sixties and having done a full spectrum of things in my life. - John, 61

Family, friends, and my lovely boyfriend. - Ashley, 16

I'm thankful for growth in my life. - Reginald, 36

Fave of the day goes to Alex, a five year old who said, School, teachers, my friends, and toast.

I love toast too! 

And you, dear readers, and a million other things.

I am filled with gratitude for This Being Alive and for our small, but thriving tribe. Peace and blessings to you and your families and this sweet, old earth.

xo b

ps. oh my! it's snowing!

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