Thursday, January 6, 2011

Simple Dimple

It's a fairly clear indicator that it's time to sort through and toss out when one finds, under the rubble of papers etc, a veterinary appointment card for their dead dog from five years ago, May 5th @ 9:30, Che.

So, although I have other things on my to-do list, I've started with clearing my desk. And the areas around it on the floor. Now as I sit here, typing this to you, there's a spaciousness in my head and body that wasn't there before. 

It's simple dimple, as Dad likes say.


  1. Breathe out that stress and the agony of the struggle (less painful than puking). My therapist once told me "BE LIGHT". So I decided to take off the backpack of stress and depression I'd been carrying and let the journey to joy and peace be one passing step by step. Feeling the terrain, the highs, the lows, but passing thru it all, taking with me only lessons for how to maintain the clarity and presence of being LIGHT. Learning to not punish myself for struggling was (and still is) a steep learning curve. Now, clouds still chase, but I've found that if you find the light within, and believe in it, and then you'll be able to walk with loving kindness towards yourself and those with you. And deep breath moments follow. And smiles :) i love you so much betsy, sending 'un monton de' loving kindness to you!

  2. "So I decided to take off the backpack of stress and depression I'd been carrying and let the journey to joy and peace be one passing step by step. Feeling the terrain..." Love this and thank you, dear Katie. You are a light in the it when it shines my way. (especially in the heart of January.) xo b
