Saturday, February 5, 2011

That's A Relief (in 2 parts)

Two students braved the icy roads to come to yoga this morning. 

Actually, there were three: Robin, Ella, and me.

I'm a student too.

That's a relief.


Some form letters are positively kissable:

Dear Ms. Jackson,

We are pleased to inform you that the results of your recent mammogram are NORMAL. 

That's a relief.


  1. It's funny how many forms 'relief' can come in!

  2. Your Yoga class is awesome, Betsy. The icy roads were SO well worth it. And....I sat by the roaring fire sipping hot chocolate for the rest of the day. Thanks for convincing me to stay put!

  3. Thanks so much! Here's to yoga relief, good news relief, hot chocolate in front of fire relief, dear readers like you relief. xo
