Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everything I Need

Everything I need shall be provided today. 


When I read this, my shoulders dropped. 

Oh, how those shoulders love to cozy up to my ears! 

It felt so good, I read it again. Out loud.

Everything I need shall be provided today. 


Yes, I thought. Okay.
Then a voice, Are you kidding me? 
And another, That's absurd!
And, you don't really believe that, do you?

In an effort to avoid an argument with the committee, I chose not to respond. Wandering with camera in hand, I repeated this mantra quietly to myself, settling my eyes (and lens) on the kitchen table:

tulips, books, Claire's book bag, tea, sunlight.

*Everything I need shall be provided today. 


* from The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie


  1. This is so true. The picture filled me with longing.

  2. Be with the longing and all the rest. I get it...

    Thanks for writing.
