Friday, June 8, 2012

Live Every Day Like A Road Trip

"One should count each day a separate life."


Claire and I are on a road trip.

We left the day school got out.

I've happily lost track. 

I believe it was Tuesday.

The beauty of a road trip is getting out of regular life; things take on a freshness, even going to Dunkin Donuts in Deerfield, MA to get Claire a toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese felt fresh?

After a lovely stop-over at my brother's house in Northampton, MA, we crossed the border into Vermont on Wednesday morning, pulled off the highway into Windsor, birthplace of Vermont.

just because.

There's not a whole lot in Windsor but we did stumble upon the Path of Life Garden/and thought, why not?

We began our journey at the tunnel of oblivion. love that.

Daunting, right? We hollered our way through.

We followed the signs... birds, clouds, shooting stars...

to the maze of hemlocks, 

reflecting a period of adventure? 

I don't last long in mazes.

Life is confusing enough, so we exited stage left through a hole in the hedge; great reminder that we are always at choice...

We carried on, climbing the Hill of Learning and continued on through the path of life garden containing

wisdom, hope, creativity, union, family, ambition, sorrow, forgiveness, joy, respite...

all kinds of journeying going on
death...we circled around that one, rebirth, and finally the gateway to eternity 

which brought us back to the car,
our bag of pistachios,
and the open highway.

Now we are here ~

Sweet mountain home of cousin Sam, Kerry, and young Quinn Jackson.

Claire and I have been hanging with Quinn, shy of two years by a few months, while Sam and Kerry finish up a teaching semester. We've been rolling around on the dogs, walking, speaking a kind of toddler talk, sounds Japanese, eating pretzel rods and pieces of banana, drinking some very good red wine, taking in the view.

I've decided to live every day like a road trip.

Even in my ordinary life in my ordinary town with lots of ordinary people living, well, extraordinary lives. 
every day is extraordinary, just being here. 

this being alive.

can I get an amen?


  1. AMEN!! Bets, this post, this very one might just be my absolute favorite. Many reasons why, but the one that sound, free.

  2. thanks so much for stopping by and for those amens!
    i can hear them on this quiet sunday morning, back @ home in PA...
    pining more than a little for the road and the mountain house and Quinn's morning ball throwing? I must take in my own advice and live today as a road trip, tea on my sofa, sleeping family...

    FREE: you nailed it.

    xo b
