February 29. 2020
one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to
back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning
all acts of
( and creation), there is one elementary truth, the
of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the
moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence
too. All sorts of things occur to help
one that would
otherwise have occurred. The whole
stream of events
from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of
incidents and meetings and material assistance,
which no
man could have dreamt would have come his way.
I have
learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:
you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
genius, power and magic in it.”
- W.H.
Murray, The Scottish Himalayan Expedition
I've always loved this quote. It goes straight to the heart of my own holding back in life, hesitations about doing what I love, my deep desires to create and connect when I know + have experienced the unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, when I've stopped thinking about it and took the leap. Wonderful things have happened, come my way. Things I never thought I'd do, but did.
Here's to not thinking so much.
I have to push my worried, Henny Penny self out of the way, relegate her to the backseat. The one who likes to keep things under control, always preparing for the worst. Otherwise, I'd never do anything.
What if I took a different stance about my life, a more open, trusting stance.
What if I took a different stance about my life, a more open, trusting stance.
In what ways can I leap?
In what ways do I still hold back, stalling myself out of some imagined fear(s)?
• Failure = so what.
• Not having control of the outcome = we never do.
• Having a dream but thinking it's okay for others but not me? = ridiculous.
In what ways do I still hold back, stalling myself out of some imagined fear(s)?
• Failure = so what.
• Not having control of the outcome = we never do.
• Having a dream but thinking it's okay for others but not me? = ridiculous.
What is nudging me (you), wanting my attention? Maybe it's tiny. Like, please take a walk. Maybe not so tiny? Like, please leave this work situation or find a publisher, move.
Not every leap needs to be dramatic and BIG or flashy. I've never been a fan. But I'm more open to bigger leaps these days since I've often been tentative in the past.
Hesitation, wanting to step, move, say YES, but holding back gives power to anxiety and depression. I'm familiar with those dark twins. They've kept me stuck in some serious ditches. Caged when the door was open the whole time.
Hesitation = suppression of something longing to be seen, heard, put into action.
Always the voice says not now, not yet.
I ask, If not now, when?
Maybe your leap, your decision, is to rest, relax, do nothing.
Maybe it's to release yourself from someone or some thing.
I don't know what your leap is, but you do.
A leap can be anything.
A leap can be anything.
Whatever your leap, give yourself a firm yes today, drop the hesitation.
Take a leap with both feet (the only way).
See what happens. Stay curious.
It's possible you'll be amazed, surprised, freer, happy you finally did it?
You might end up saying, What took me so long?
You might end up saying, What took me so long?
Thousands of seen and unseen helping hands are supporting you/me.
Sending peace and a dash of courage.
xo b
*drawing by Michael Collins xo
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