Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Up Again!

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. 
All life is an experiment.
The more experiments you make, the better. 
What if they are a little coarse, and you may get your coat
soiled or torn? What if you do fail, or get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice?
Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

At the end of each semester, I ask my college students to write me a letter. This is their final. The lost art of letter writing. In the letter, among other things, I ask them to share what they think about Ralph's questions ~ Are you timid about your actions? How do you feel about getting fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice? Do you agree with the idea that life is a series of experiments? The more, the better? What about tumbling? Their letters always amaze and surprise. I know the students surprise themselves.


When I'm holding back, fretting about outcomes, or what people will think (even about this blog) I say out loud: ALL LIFE IS AN EXPERIMENT. Period. 🌠

There is much fear these days, and rightfully so. It's easy to scare yourself into a corner. It's easy to Not try new things. It's a global pandemic, for goodness sake, and the crazy man has yet to leave office does seems best to hunker down. A good book, warm, soft blanket, a cup of hot tea or good glass of Cabernet - I'm happily hunkered. But as this year kinda sorta winds down, and some hope is in the air in spite of all the nuttiness and real frightful things, I want to play, dream of new things, take action.

                     We may be down, but we are still here. 

                      Experimenting can be tiny, a simple-stay-at-home thing. 

                            I started with my used to be white front door. 

                                                                      Up again!

                                                 xo b


  1. A beautiful door which opens to a beautiful woman. "the crazy man has yet to leave office" What a chuckle and so true.
    Some thoughts on your assignment; Been thinking about death more lately, not in a morbid way but rather in a realistic sense. Life is finite, so we'd do well to make the most of the moments we have. This has helped me appreciate more, open my eyes and take in more, consciously savor the moments I'm in, tumble down into the dirt of life and soak it in.
    Love you, Bets <3

    1. Hello there, Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing! I love and appreciated that so much. I am down with "tumbling in the dirt of life and soaking in it." I often ask myself, What are you waiting for? xoxo b
