Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Neighbors

"Mom, it's the turkeys again," Claire said, tilting her head towards the window. It was sorta like, Mom, it's the neighbors again, then imagine a roll of the eyes. But Claire's eyes weren't rolling. They were smiling.

It's become a family joke, and joy, this parade of birds; seeing them come and go, two, often three times a day through the yard. I'm pretty sure I could set my watch by their travels, if I wore one. I know this; I get a significant rush of happiness every time they stroll by. I hope they stick around.

Note: We have delightful neighbors who have not made a habit of wandering aimlessly through our yard, not yet anyway.

1 comment:

  1. We had a couple of Mama's & their 7 offspring for months & watched them grow up into "tweenies!!!"
    Suddenly they've found greener pastures. :-(
    Enjoy them while you can!!!
