Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Out Loud

Years ago I wrote a full length play called Pieces Of Evelyn which but for a few dark scenes is pure comedy. I laughed out loud most of the time I was writing it. I often think about it as a beautiful, pain-free birth. I'm longing for another creative birth like that...

The other day, while washing dishes, I thought...

I've lost my sense of humor.

Next thought, from out of the blue was...

It could be worse. 
I could look like Keith Richards.

I had an out loud laugh at such an odd thought, I never think of Keith Richards, then carried on with the dishes, grinning.

Note to self: nothing's ever lost. 


  1. Okay, Betsy... I woke up this morning and I looked out the window and one of the tree boughs was seemingly making a face like a creature yawning, an antelope in a weird mood maybe... and I was SO CONNECTED briefly to a magical place... and then I forgot all about it, until the photo that you posted today brought it all home! So, thank you! And also, thank you for the "nothings ever lost" message... for me it just gets buried... until I come here, that is!

  2. The funny thing is, when I picture you Bets, it's with a huge grin, just before you start laughing, so I know nothing is ever lost because I find abounding joy in your presence (and you remind me to cultivate it myself).

  3. Creature yawning, an antelope in a weird mood. I can relate to that.
    Thanks, Ann!

    Lovely to be pictured with a big grin...some days I feel so serious.

    I'll take the grin, then laughing. Thanks, Katie xo always.
