Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Everything's Just Fine

Dad's childhood nickname was Sonny.

He's come back to it, but now, he spells it with a U


Today is Sunny's 85th birthday. 

"So, how's everything feeling," I asked, "you know, being eighty-five and..."

Just thinking about being 85 completely freaks me out.

"I have always felt a lot of love from people," he said, "and I've loved them. But at this point in my life, it feels even more incredible. People are so caring."

We sat quietly, doing the sitting quietly thing.

Then he said,

"Everything's just fine."

Taking a page from Dad's playbook on this July 5th.

Happy Birthday, Sunny ~ 


  1. Happy Birthday, Sunny! Today is Laura Adamo's birthday, too!

  2. Happy Birthday, Sunny! Your name makes me smile.

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Funny thing is, Sunny (aka Dad) is completely computer-free. Hasn't a clue how to use one. So, he never reads my blogs. He doesn't need to...he's just smiling.


    July 5th is a popular birthday. Happy birthday, Laura.

  4. as always...a joy to see you and your whole fam. Love Sara
