Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Only Moms Can Do That

Let's all gather at the river
the beautiful, beautiful river...

This snippet of hymn is running circles round my head; memories of my large, boisterous family, belting this baby out, as much as the Presbyterians of my childhood belted.

Actually, we belted quite well.

beautiful, beautiful river ~

Claire and I gathered by the river today.

The very river she put on her *list of likes...

while I was pining for the sea yesterday.

"So, does this change your mind, Mom?"
"It's beautiful. Gosh, I just need to be by the water."
"Me too," she said.

We sat in our chairs, popping green grapes. 
"So," I asked, "do you want me to sign up to be a mom who helps kids figure out how to use their locker combinations, or...?"
"I think they already have a bunch of moms to do that, you know, the ones who can't let their kids go..."
"Trust me, I'm not dying to be with a bunch of freaked-out sixth graders on the first day of school but if you want me..."
"Trust me," Claire said, "you don't, Mom."
"Okay, then I'll just wrap you in a bubble of love and put you on the bus." and try not to break down weeping.
"But what if somebody pops my bubble?"
"Well, wrap yourself up in another one until..."

"But only moms can do that," she said.

* Read "Not Quite Home Yet"/ Aug. 23, 2011

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