Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Page Of A Book

Sometimes, to get from where we are to where we are going, we have to be willing to be in-between.

-The Language Of Letting Go

This morning, hawk, perched in the pine. 
I feel thank you.
Did the bird speak to me?
Who cares, I like woo-woo. 

And what, pray tell, did hawk say? 

rise above. 

Give up poking into every little thing to see what it means or how it's going to unfold. Imagine being perched on this branch, or circling in the sky. From up here, the picture is clearer. Random connections and loose ends begin to make sense. But that's not the point either. Let go of making sense.


rise above.

The next step is as simple as...

turning the page of a book. 


  1. I love checking your blog every day.....Happy Birthday to Jesse....Love you, Sara

  2. Thanks for checking in!!!
    What a blessing to know you're out there in the world/

    love you right back.
    xo b

  3. Alright Bets, you're picking up on all the cues the world is trying to send you, so now, L E T G O. Trust that letting go doesn't mean breaking down. So maybe one day, you'll see an old worry or an old trigger fly by you, but as you register it as something that used to be troublesome, you'll also be delightfully surprised that you don't carry it with you, it hasn't been weighing you down...and you'll keep on going, soaring, light as a child's dream. (trust me, that's a really great feeling :)

  4. "Trust that letting go doesn't mean breaking down."


    I long to be delightfully surprised that I no longer need to carry the troubles and triggers with be light as a child's dream.


    xo b
