Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day

On Boxing Day,

We got our dance groove on
ate cookies 
played LIFE
ate cookies
decorated the driveway in matching owl pj's


and went to bed early.

On the Day After Boxing Day (today.)

I made an early morning fire 
jesse in scarf, vest, and hat was my first clue to call our fuel guy, Dave.
cooked up a pot of steel-cut oats with raisins 
with pears from Uncle George 
Ate some cookies 
why not?

Michael's at the office
Rob took the girls to the movies
Jesse and E (aka The Kratt Brothers) headed home...

and Chewy and I are in front of the fire, so quiet so cozy
I'm thinking if it's going to rain, it might as well snow, but the weather is one of a gazillion things 

I have zero (0) control over

Thank God.

let go let go let go
into love love love
cookies cookies cookies
quiet quiet quiet
family family family
fire fire fire
joy joy joy
gratitude for all of it.

ps. if I go AWOL tomorrow, I shall return! Go gently, campers.

xo b

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