Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daughter Of My Daughter

The short one is 

Elizabeth Mary

daughter of my daughter...

She also goes by...

Lemony as in Snicket



but prefers to be called...

Christopher Kratt [ see PBS/ The Wild Kratt Brothers]

She calls her mother, Martin (Chris Kratt's brother)

Martin? I'm hungry.
Okay, Chris.

Today is her birthday

Chris Kratt is FIVE YEARS OLD. 

where does the time go?

happy birthday to my
up before the sun better you than me, martin!
walking in the woods

[the kid's run 2 5k's before turning 5!]

... Christopher Kratt

Love, Bean xo

read: Elizabeth And Bean/ March 3, 2009

1 comment:

  1. she's a real cutie. I'm loving that finger puppet pic. :)
