Sunday, May 13, 2012

mama love


Today we celebrate and honor our Mother.  The one who gave us birth and the one who loved and raised us.   There is no one in our life who will ever know us so well or love us so fully as our Mother.  And no one who will ever forgive us so quickly!  Today, perhaps consider taking a moment to remember and thank her and send the warmth of your love.  Where ever she is and whatever your relationship might be, there is always room for love.

And as you celebrate today, perhaps also consider remembering those other special people in your life who have believed in you deeply and cared about your well being and happiness.  For they too have loved you in a very deep way.

And, finally, remember to honor yourself and the many ways in which you offer love and support!  You too, are part of the Divine Feminine and have that powerful capacity of love flowing through you as well. Know that you are very loved and are, in fact, Love itself.

So today, on Mother's Day, I also celebrate and honor you!

thanks beth...

This lovely note from friend, Beth, felt so spot on I decided to lift her words cut and paste!] onto      

This Being Alive...                                                                                                                                                                               
Know that you are very loved, 
and are, in fact, 
Love itself.


Here's to mama love.  and *bean love too...

xo b



  1. I wish I felt like that about my mother - or rather I wish I had a mother I could feel that way about. Happy Mother's Day to you. Sure you deserve it.

  2. I know "mama love" ain't always what it's cracked up to be for many people...

    Honor yourself.

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I really appreciate it.
