Monday, June 20, 2016

And Not Be Elsewhere

Let us dig our gardens and not be elsewhere;
   Let us take long walks in the open air…
   Let us bathe in the rivers and lakes…
   Let us indulge in games…
   Let us be more simple: simple and true in
our gestures, in our words, and simple and true
in our minds above all. Let us be ourselves.

-Robert Linssen

Hello Lovelies,

I have so much to say, to write about, ideas scribbled on the supermarket receipt, the back of an envelope, in my journal. My mind these days is a river full of birds and branches, red canoes, fat clouds, people on the riverbank getting baptized in white gowns, the solitary heron. But with so much blabbering and horror and more blabbering on the air waves I find myself quieted, listening more, talking less. Sitting on my back steps watching the trees sway in the breeze, everything around me 

green green green

Quieted by the breeze, the lilies, the panting dog, the freshly potted basil, the coming and going of Father's Day and where is my father now that he is gone from this earth? Having a frolic in the spirit world, beyond the thin veil, as close as my breath. Claire was very little when my mother died and my heart was so broken. One day I sobbed, where is my mother and Claire, a three year old said,

She's right here, mama, right next to you.

Those were the days when Claire called me mama and I believed without a doubt that she knew more than me about these things. I still do. Young children are portals to the light, not cramped and shut down like grown ups can be. (more on the joy of hanging with little kids next time...)

On this Summer Solstice day, 

this day of long light

find a scrap of paper, a pretty note card, paper towel, a green leaf, anything to write on. Write yourself a love note, a blessing to yourself and your loved ones. Write a thank-you note to your heart, or this sweet old beautiful earth, put it in the ground. If you live on the 15th floor of an apartment building, put it in one of your house plants. No houseplants? Tuck it in your underwear drawer. 

Make the generous gesture. 

Let us be more simple: simple and true in
our gestures, in our words, and simple and true
in our minds above all. Let us be ourselves.

Let us be ourselves. And not be elsewhere.

xo b


  1. I read this today...a day where I feel utterly not myself. A day where I posted that I felt like a ghost, wandering, aimless. My daughters are all teen-agers and I am not transitioning well into this new motherhood of not being needed to facilitate and organize and coordinate. I miss us running in a pack. I miss their zeal and their energy. I am having to find a new way to be me. So, thank you for this. It was just what I needed.

    1. Dear Moxy,
      Thanks so much for this note. I so appreciate that "a day where I feel utterly not myself." Well said. Transitions are difficult but there is glimmer there too. I keep my eyes out for it every day, esp. when I'm ghosting around the house. Thank you!

  2. I feel the same way about not being needed to coordinate my teenagers' lives, and yes, I miss running in a pack. And yes, thank you, Betsy, for new ways to FIND ourselves. YES!

    1. Thanks for your stopping by to write and share. xo
