Friday, December 23, 2011

I Just Inhaled

It's been a 

I finished out a season of subbing...

1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade 
5th grade

while beginning a new gig @ our local university.

I'm a working girl... in the REAL world?

Things I heard from students this week:

Ms. Jackson, being a girl scout is REALLY hard.
My Mom and Dad don't live together anymore.
Can we do more yoga?

This from Claire this morning:

Mom, I think I just inhaled a sesame seed...

while chowing down on a bagel. 

A friend left this message: I feel quiet.

Claire and I drove Dad to the Route 84 Diner in New York State for a Christmas drop-off. He's spending Christmas with brother Dave's family in New England.

Drop and roll, Pop.

We'll miss you, Sunny!

Driving home we saw a rainbow. 

while Jesus Take The Wheel 

came on the radio as we were scanning for stations. 

I''m a tad tired and happy.

Happy Hanukkah

fa la la

and a Friday night shout-out to Angela, 
This Being Alive's 81st official follower!!!

xo b

1 comment:

  1. I thought I saw some new job stats on FB! Can't wait to hear more!! Good luck. Good work. Happy everything. xo, k.
