Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Left Hand's Voice

I have lots of journals, notebooks, slips of paper, that I've written in, and on. The slips of paper usually appear in the pages of a book, or maybe the visor in my car. Yesterday, I found this small treasure written on a grocery receipt, what's so scary about living the life you want?

This morning I opened up a small black notebook that I began in August 2009 and finished in the middle of October. It was a hard fall, literally and seasonally. And like everything, things changed and didn't feel quite so hard, then the squeeze would come again, then peace.

Occasionally I write with both hands, asking a question with my right hand, then answering it with my left. I don't do it often, but when I do, I am always surprised by my left hand's voice. The writing itself is like chicken scratch, but legible. The voice; soft, direct, kind.

Anyway, I found this dialogue that bubbled up, last October, between right hand/left hand and thought I'd share it. You might want to try it for yourself just to see what bubbles up for you. If you do try it, don't over-think it, or try to control what shows up. It's just another way to have a conversation with yourself...

What would my life feel like or become if I radically trusted that my path was unfolding just as it's meant to?

Well, that's easy! It would feel lighter, less cliff hanger-ish, okay, are you able to handle this?...way more fun.

So, If I just stopped all this worrying and gnashing of teeth over my life's purpose and work and money and aging, just dropped it, even with hormonal surges and imbalances, I would have more fun?


Then, why do I always return to the difficult path, the worry, the fear?

Because you're an expert at all of that. The thing you must realize is that the trust and ease piece lives side by side with the crazy-making stuff. You already have it. Like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

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