Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Fine Mingling

All the art of living lies in 
a fine mingling of letting go 
and holding on.

- Havelock Ellis


  1. Your postings today and yesterday couldn't be more appropriate to my life this week. I am reorganizing two bedrooms, the larger becoming Andrew's for the summer. Letting go of as much as possible is my goal, yet, there still are those sweet little things that just refuse to leave. I have held onto so many things for so long, it's mentally exhausting to continue. Holding on to all this stuff is not allowing the new to come in. ( I chuckled through your post of several months ago when you were empowered by cleaning out kitchen drawers!) Let the mingling begin...

  2. So good to hear from you! And you nailed is mentally exhausting! I've been cleaning closets (still so much to let go of) and feeling lighter every time another bag is filled for give-away, or the garbage can...

    I can hear my mother's voice when I have something in my hand, thinking that somehow I must keep it..."be ruthless, Bets" she would say. Mom was not a pack rat. So, free thyself and make way for the new. Thanks for the encouragement to do the same.

    Mingle on!!
