Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The "S" Word

I've been called the "S" word, most of my life. You know, sensitive. In some circles, the term, HSP, gets tossed around to describe people like me (and a lot of my friends). HSP's are Highly Sensitive People, which is why I like to be at home, hanging with my *neighbors, the wild turkeys. They're quiet types.

Perhaps I'm just thin-skinned and need to grow a tougher hide. I try to give myself pep talks...Come on, kid. Buck up. The world's gonna chew you up and spit you out if you take all this stuff to heart. This is the real world, grow up. The problem is, I don't believe what I'm trying to tell myself...and maybe I don't want to buck up. Maybe bucking up isn't so great.

I should've stayed home yesterday. I was tired, and yes, feeling sensitive. When I came face to face with this decal in the supermarket parking lot, I felt like I'd been sucker punched. My head snapped back. All I wanted was milk and bananas.

I took the photo because I thought, who will believe me when I say somebody had this on their car? But this is fluff compared to some stuff out there, right? We've all seen worse. You know I love a good bumper sticker, but this was so, not funny. So not about fishing. Or fishin'.

I almost left a note on the car:
Dear Mr. Creepy Man.
Do you have a wife, a daughter, a mom, a sister?
You might want to re-think this.

But I didn't.

*read: The Neigbors & Fence Sitting

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